31 Day Challenge - Day 2

Day 2 - 20 Facts about me

1. I got married in September 2012 to my favorite person in the world, Peter.
Our wedding photography was by Heather Cherie Photography 
2. I have two Miniature Schnauzers, Lady and Brophy.

3. I have a small obsession with Hello Kitty. My friends and family enable my problem by getting me Hello Kitty gifts, but I don't mind. :)

4. I interned at an animal shelter in college.

5. My first car was a VW Beetle.

6. My very first concert was Christina Aguilera at the Missouri state fair.

7. I really like to knit and crochet.

8. I took piano lessons for 7 years. I also play guitar and ukulele.

9. I went to an all women's college.
My roommate, Erica 

10. I am a night Owl. I try not to be but I feel like I am more productive a night and I'll stay up late working on a project which will mess up my sleep cycle then I'll keep staying up late. It's a vicious circle.

11. I have been to Hawaii twice in the last year after not traveling much in my life.
The tourist-mobile

12. My favorite color is blue.

13. I hate doing housework except cleaning the bathroom. I know, I'm weird. I think I like it because I see instant results. Doing dishes frustrates me because it's a never ending battle. Once you wash your dishes there are going to be new dirty ones the next time you eat. It's just annoying.

14. I love baked goods,  the sweeter the better. I love chocolate. Right now I'm eating espresso
beans covered in dark chocolate and they are so good!

15. I didn't start drinking coffee until after I graduated from college.

16. My step dad adopted my brother and me when I was 16. 
My mom and dad. He always makes a funny face if he knows I'm taking a picture of him

17. My favorite season is fall because of the weather is not too warm and not cold.

18. I'm really bad at anything athletic besides, water sports. I think being short makes water skiing and wakeboarding easier for me since I don't have to go so far to stand up out of the water.

19. I really like to paint with watercolor. I especially like to paint faces.

20. If I really like doing something (like editing pictures/video, knitting, etc.) I can sit and do it for hours without realizing that hours have passed.

So there are my 20 facts! The next challenge is: "Meaning of my business name". This weekend is going to be very busy because three of my friends I don't see that often will be in Kansas City and Peter and I are having a housewarming party! We are also going to the Cross Roads tonight for First Fridays and we need to clean and buy food for the housewarming party. Here's a bonus fact about me: I tend to procrastinate. Well I guess I should go clean my house. See you tomorrow for day 3 of the 31 day challenge! 

~ Sarah


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