31 Day Challenge - Day 5

Day - 5

My Guilty Pleasure

I know that today's challenge only asks for one guilty pleasure, but since I missed the last two days of the challenge I am going to do three of my guilty pleasures!

I really hate to admit this but I really like reading Perez Hilton's blog. Some of the time I feel he goes overboard with stalking some celebrities but other times (I hate to admit this) I agree with his opinion when he talks about someone doing something ridiculous.  I also follow him on Facebook so his posts are popping up all the time and even though I don't want to, I click the link to his website. Shame on me.

Another guilty pleasure is Pretty Little Liars. I LOVE the show. I don't just watch it, I also try to find spoilers and theories on who 'A' is. It drives me crazy that I still have no idea who is behind everything! Every episode you think you're going to get some answers but the answers only lead to more questions. I love it and hate it at the same time. I just want some answers!!!

My third guilty is chocolate. I know this is a popular one but I sometimes wish that I didn't like it so much. At least dark chocolate isn't bad in small amounts. 

A chocolate covered Champagne bottle housewarming present for me? Yes, please!

So there are my guilty pleasures. What are some of yours?

~ Sarah


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